New Zealand Ireland Association

The name of the Association shall be the New Zealand - Ireland Association, abbreviated to NZIA. Hereinafter it is referred to as the "Association".
The Objectives of the Association shall be:
(a) to promote the social, cultural and sporting interests of New Zealanders living in Ireland and Irish people with an interest in New Zealand;
(b) to promote and further good relations and understanding between New Zealand and Ireland, building on the existing ties of friendship and kinship;
(c) to provide opportunities where members can meet to fulfil these objectives.
The two patrons of the Association shall be Their Excellencies the New Zealand Ambassador and the Irish Ambassador.
(a) This shall be available to those resident in Ireland who support the objectives of the Association.
(b) There shall be three types of membership - (i) Individual, (ii) Family, (2 adults and any dependent children) (iii) Honorary. (An honorary member shall not be liable for the payment of any subscription and he/she shall be entitled to enjoy all the privileges and benefits of membership. He/she shall not vote upon matters affecting the finances of the Association and does not qualify to serve upon the General Committee).
(a) The election of members shall be vested in the General Committee. Each candidate shall complete and sign an application form.
(b) Election to honorary membership shall be vested in the General Committee subject to ratification at an AGM.
(a) PRESIDENT The President shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting each year by the members present. Every candidate for President must be nominated by two (2) paid-up members of the Association. The President shall not hold office for more than two (2) consecutive years.
(b) IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT On completion of his/her year(s) of office, the retiring President shall become the Past President of the Association and shall serve as an ex-officio member of the General Committee for one (1) year only.
(c) VICE PRESIDENT The Vice President shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting each year by the members present, after due nomination by two (2) paid-up members of the Association.
(d) SECRETARY The Secretary shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting each year by the members present, after due nomination by two (2) paid-up members of the Association.
(e) TREASURER The Treasurer shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting each year by the members present, after due nomination by two (2) paid-up members of the Association.
(f) WEBMASTER The Webmaster shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting each year by the members present, after due nomination by two (2) paid-up members of the Association.
(g) COMMITTEE MEMBERS Each vacancy on the Committee shall be filled by an applicant duly qualified under section 4 and nominated by two (2) paid-up members of the Association.
The general management of the Association shall be vested in the General Committee, consisting of The President, The Vice President, The Secretary, The Treasurer and the Immediate Past President, together with four (4) elected Ordinary Members, one of whom may be a Minutes Secretary.
(a) The General Committee shall have the power to co-opt two (2) Ordinary Committee members.
(b) A quorum for Committee meetings of the Association shall be four (4) members, including at least one (1) Office Bearer.
(c) A quorum for Annual General and Extraordinary General Meetings of the Association shall be ten (10) members, including at least two (2) Office Bearers.
In the event of the nomination of more than the required number of persons for service as an office bearer, or on the General Committee, a ballot shall be taken among the members of the Association present, and the ballots cast shall be counted by two (2) scrutineers appointed by the members present.
(a) There shall be a minimum of four (4) meetings of the Association, including the Annual General Meeting, each year, together with any other meetings as may be deemed necessary or desirable by a quorum of the General Committee.
(b) The business to be transacted at an Annual General Meeting shall include: the consideration of the accounts, balance sheets and the reports of the General Committee and auditors; the election of members of the General Committee; the appointment of the auditor(s); the ratification of annual subscription rates; and the ratification of honorary members.
Members may invite guests to functions organised by the Association. Members shall be responsible for the expenses of guests, and expenses of their own not covered by the annual subscription.
(a) The Bankers of the Association shall be such Bank as the General Committee shall from time to time appoint.
(b) Authorised signatories for cheques drawn on the Association's bank account shall be the President, Treasurer and one other committee member approved by the committee, and the Bank shall be mandated to accept any two of these.
Once each year the Accounts of the Association shall be made up by the Treasurer and produced for examination and auditing by the Auditor, who shall be appointed by the Association at the Annual General Meeting.
(a) The General Committee shall recommend the annual subscription rates to be approved at the Annual General Meeting.
(b) The subscription period and financial year shall run from May 1st to April 30th of the following year.
The Rules may be amended only by a resolution passed at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for that purpose and must be carried by a majority of at least two-thirds of the Members present and voting thereat.
In the event of the Members voting to wind up the Association, any monies held by the Treasurer shall be given to a charity, the choice of the incumbent Committee.
Last revised 27 May 2001