New Zealand Ireland Association

Moving to Ireland...

Before you start your adventure in Ireland, whether you intend staying for a short or long term, there's some important information you need to know that will make life easier (and you'll be doing things legally!)

Finding Work
Like many countries many employers advertise via websites, in Ireland these are www.irishjobs.ie and www.jobio.com
Employment agencies are also another option, most specalise in certain sectors so google.ie is your friend here. Be sure to have an update to date CV and proof of your eligibility to work in Ireland.
For general retail and bar work, your best bet is to pound the pavements. The recent upturn in the economy has once again seen the situations vacant signs starting to appear in shop/pub windows.

PPS Number
As soon as you move to Ireland you'll need to apply for a PPS number, it's your key to anything to do with Revenue or Welfare and without it you'll face problems in dealing with the governemnt service.
For details of where and how to apply, see here

When you begin work (or switch jobs) you'll automatically placed on 'emergency tax'. Get in touch with Revenue as soon as possible with your details (PPS number, P45 from previous employment, start date and new employer number). Don't wait for your employer to do it.
PAYE earners here are not required to complete a tax return however you should sign up for PAYE Anytime, this allows you to manage your tax affairs online, including requesting tax credits.
Ireland has a dual taxation agreement with New Zealand therefore if you have tax liabilities outstanding from home you may be identified by the Irish authorities.